May 30, 2011

Asparagus Soup With Coconut

May 30, 2011
When I said in the introduction I am a spontaneous cook, I meant it. However, when assembling this soup, I did write down the ingredients on a notebook. A few days later I was packing for a trip and figured it is a good idea to take a notebook with. I have several notebooks around the house and grabbed the first one I saw. There was plenty of, what seemed, chicken scratch. I ripped off half of the pages. How liberating was that! A clean start.

Needless to say, upon returning from the trip, I wanted to write a post about the delicious asparagus soup I had duly noted down. I paddled through all the notebooks I could find. Finally it occurred I had thrown away the pages where the recipe was. Soon I realized it wasn’t the only one. Oh well...

Thank God the soup is uncomplicated. The pictures show the main ingredients. The subtle taste of asparagus indicates I have probably seasoned it with hing and black pepper. Water cress and thyme are used as a garnish.


Coconuts have three eyes. I’ve heard they never fall on people because they can see :-). Now that we have humanized coconuts, let’s operate them. That is, if you still can...

Before knocking a coconut open, you have to drain it through one of the eyes. One of them is softer than the rest. Pierce it with a sharp object and let the water run out. It makes a fresh drink. It can be used in cooking, too.

Take a blunt and solid item (dull side of a heavy kitchen knife is good) and firmly rap around the coconut right in the middle. Hit especially the ridges. It is the determination of your tapping that will crack the coconut, not force. If done correctly, the coconut will split in two equal parts and is easy to clean. If you have troubles with this method, place a coconut in a bag and drop it down from the window! Second floor or higher works perfectly.

Scoop out the white flesh. Scrape out the thin brown skin attached to it. Grate the coconut or put it in a blender.


Place the pieces of coconut and hot water in a blender and mix until it has a fine, cream-like consistency. Sieve out any junks of coconut if they bother you.


1 coconut (made into milk)
Whey (by-product of cheese-making), vegetable stock or water
Ghee or oil for tempering
Black pepper (coarse)
Salt to taste
Herbs for garnish

Heat up the ghee
Sauté a sprinkle of hing and black pepper for a few seconds
Add the celery, sauté for a while before adding potatoes
Add the potatoes, sauté for a while before adding asparagus
Add the asparagus, sauté for a while before adding whey
Add only as much liquid as it takes to cover the vegetables
Simmer until the veggies are soft
Run through a blender
Add the coconut milk and more whey to reach the consistency of your liking
Add salt to your taste
Garnish with fresh herbs


  1. I made this sometime back when asparagus was still affordable. I love any soup with coconut milk in it! So creamy, light and flavourful.

    What is the garnish you have used in the last picture? Beautiful settings and images as always. Such a pleasure to see your blog, Lakshmi.

    Once again, I am so glad you started it!

  2. Harini, I'm the same with coconut milk. In fact, it doesn't matter what part of coconut is in question. In India I could live on daab. Here we rarely get good quality coconuts. Fresh, green ones are out of question.

    The garnish is thyme.

  3. Hare Krsna!

    Thanks for this creative soup recipe. Can I leave the celery out of my preparation?

    Will try this. I am partial to soup and South Indian Sattvica brahmana recipes, amongst other things.

  4. AVR, sure you can leave celery out. I hope you will enjoy the soup.

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