July 15, 2014

Berry Pie

July 15, 2014
In order to cut and serve a wet pie neatly, bake it in a shallow dish. Learn from my mistakes and don’t use a tall spring form – it’s a bad, bad idea! When lifting the side piece up, I pierced the crust and trickled the juices; when removing the bottom part, I tore off the entire base of the pie. What a mess! Maroon berry compote splattered around the kitchen and my dress.
Luckily I had photographed the pie when it was still hot and intact. These pictures would give me a narrative license to create a visual illusion and you would never have to know about the mishap! Or, so I thought before realizing I had accidentally – and very permanently – deleted the pictures from the camera. All of them.
I was unfocused. It was a hot day: I wanted to finish baking and photographing as soon as possible. I sweated, had heartburn and a headache. Funny, when the mind becomes distracted it storms all over the place although it should pause and re-evaluate. But, in the heat of the moment, it is too engrossed and ignores the little cues that forecast trouble. How many times have you neglected the flash of premonition that strikes the thought process just seconds before cutting a finger or dropping a glass? Often only a shock will halt a passionate mind. Breaking the pie and loosing the pictures did it for me.
Instead of baking and photographing again, I decided to deal with the mind. Interestingly, when it was calm, the failure no longer bothered me and I could happily share the crumbles with my husband. It seemed like a natural thing to do, and reminded me that cooking and eating are irreplaceable mediums of affection. The rest – in what form the recipes are presented in social media and how artful the images are – is less important.
Thank you.


  1. If you wouldn't have described that the pie crumbled I don't think people would have known it. At the first sight I could not figure out until I read the entire post :) But definitely, what you just said is an eye opener. Even I belong to category of bloggers who want to finish off posts with nearly perfect looking images. But I guess as you say, being natural and messier is much better. :)

    1. Thanks Pratiba – what is perfect? The word itself is abstract in the relative world. Just when we think we’ve captured it, our perception and values change. And then we’ll have to look for “a new perfection” to replace the old one. It’s like a dog chasing after his tail. It makes us unsatisfied, constantly improving the externals.

      For human beings relationships are more profound than perfect environments, forms and appearances, because the emotional experience that comes from interaction with another person is deeper than enjoying the looks, taste, touch, smell or sound of a thing. In a good company, food is the medium that facilitates the exchange of affection. In time, we may forget what we ate, but we’ll remember with whom we sat and talked, and laughed. The moment we start thinking it’s the food, the way it looks or the method it’s cooked with that makes us content, we have missed the privilege of being alive.

      There is perfection even in imperfection but we can access it only by cultivating our consciousness.

  2. A big, thick, wet pie like this looks perfect!! Such a yummy treat!

  3. AnonymousJuly 15, 2014

    It's so true, if our mind is not calm, everything falls off the ladder. beautiful pictures and love that messy pie.

  4. Love your work !! Elegant - beautiful - unique -soothing to eyes :)

  5. Only you could make messy pie look so great!!! An awesome post lakshmi!!

  6. Seriously...only YOU could make messy pie look so delicious! Love your words, love the pics...looking forward to trying this new recipe!

  7. I think it is perfect just the way it is!

  8. Lakshmi..... I ve been waiting to see your posts. Somehow... yours is way too creative and out of the box from the others. Good job again.

    1. Thanks, Sowmya, for the encouragement. Lately I’ve been feeling too much out of the box and struggling to find a proper platform to interact :-).

  9. AnonymousJuly 16, 2014

    Lakshmi your words.. they touch so deep.. what you said about memories of sharing food with loved ones.. about perfection :) its just perfect I must say.

    - Prachi M.

  10. the pie looks beautiful. i'm sure it was delicious. i love it when things are not perfect.

  11. There is beauty in your mess. Thanks for describing the mishap. Happy to know that I am not the only one :) I have been having too many of late. Too little time, too many things to attend to and yes the premoniton unattended... sour cream for brushing is new to me. I do not like egg washes and often end up not brushing the top or just using butter. What does the sour cream do?

    1. Trust me, you are not alone sister!

      You can use any dairy (milk, buttermilk, sour milk, sour cream, cream, yogurt…) for brushing. Any of them will give a beautiful color. I just happened to have sour cream when I baked the pie.

  12. AnonymousJuly 24, 2014

    Thank you! I believe this is a beautiful lesson to remember constantly, and just the lesson I needed right now. I mean, the fact that pursuing perfection is something that keeps us detached from the things that really matter in life. Gaby

  13. There's this awesome oomph-factor in every particle of your imperfect pie. This Berry pie looks so very delightful and diva-like :) I wanna dive right in! I wanna dig deep into it :)

    This novice blogger is ecstatic to have found your hypnotizing blog. I'm hooked.

    God bless.

